December 2024

Time flies... already 2024 is ending while 2023 was yesterday. Today was a rough Day. I have been mediocre happy past weeks as I have multiple projects started that I have been longing to do for years. Now that most my school work is done I have had time to return to my own projects and since I had declared no orders, i have had a bit time to breathe. Today some pipes bursted in cellar and it took me to a huge panic attack what alike I lastly experienced 17 years ago, it was weird since I thought those days are behind me in the past. Guess not 😅 🫣. Just burried somewhere deep. Then again I also have submitted myself to therapy 🥴 Year ago thanks to Tik Tok I started suspecting that I might have had Adhd and when i spoke to my friends it was an odd moment that 4 people who do not know each other claimed they could of told me that years ago🥴

well we will soon find out😅 in a year or two...

I Had one of best summers in a long long time in 2024.. lots of fun on my Triumf. I missed motorcycling so bad and I now also see how positively that machine effects me. Two wheels forevaa🫶

School has been great. I really like that I can work home and work feels fun, frustrating and exciting at the same time.  I pray that I will find a good job and can stay in the area also as work from home. Less stress and more time for my own life, health and art🥰

So now if ur looking for an accountant or know someone who needs one, you can refer me😁 most my grades are on top side. Funny to think that I was flunking hard in middle school for 7 years... ofcourse now i have had motivation, interest and learning methods witch I didn't back then. I guess teachers were right saying some flowers bloom later lol.

Right now thinking how to bring sth new out or make a show in spring or autumn for that matter. But to do that I am not very convinced I can support myself with a half job until then. and otherwise it really isnt possible but again that is to be seen. right now waiting for Christmas so I can spend time with my family🥰

Thanks for the support! it means a lot to me and also I thank for the people who had belief in me!

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